Why wisdom tooth extraction?
Wisdom teeth are the four molars in the beginning began to grow from 18 to 25 years old, usually teeth do not have chewing effect and always grow uneven as usual, they often grow deviated, grows under the gum to the side teeth. Edge causes dental diseases such as: bite disorder, adjacent tooth decay, causing gingivitis, difficult to clean due to stuffing stuff. Therefore, wisdom tooth extraction is very necessary to protect teeth and eat chewing habits. What is the cost of full mounth dental implants in Vietnam
Wisdom extraction Teeth technique. Denal crown done by internation dentist in Vietnam
X-rays, diagnosis of wisdom teeth is the first thing done. The success of a surgical intervention requires that the diagnosis be correct.
- After the diagnosis, the patient is given a blood test before removing the wisdom teeth.
- Wisdom tooth extraction is a cosmetic procedure, for cases where the teeth grow under the gum, the surgery is a bit more complicated. During the course of the patient's administration, anesthesia was administered.
- After the tooth extraction, the patient is given a prescription medication that includes painkillers, anti-swelling medications, and antibiotics if the doctor sees the risk of infection.
Note after wisdom tooth extraction
Patients do not rinse too well within 24 hours because it can cause blood clots to clot. After eating, just brush and rinse gently with rinses (Povidine diluted or Chlohexidine 12%), do not use hot and spicy food as it will increase reflex pain and bleeding, ice to blood fast. Patients should not drink and smoke on the first day as it will slow down the wound and bleed easily. Dental tourim in Vietnam
Note: the efficacy of the treatment can vary depending on each patient’s condition.
For more information please contact:
Dental Clinic - Ho Chi Minh City An Dong
Building 193A-195 Hung Vuong Str, Ward 9, District 5, HCMC
Dental Clinic - Ho Chi Minh City The Army Navy Swimming Pool
Building 19V Nguyen Huu Canh Str, Ward 19, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
Phone: (+84) 28 38 33 68 18
Website: http://www.identdentalimplantcenter.com
Email: identdentalimplantcenter@gmail.com