Dental bridges, which are also known as fixed partial dentures, are used to replace one or more missing teeth and are attached to the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.
A dental bridge is a false tooth which is fused between two porcelain crowns in order to replace a missing tooth. Each bridge is custom made to fill in the space. If spaces are left unfilled the surrounding teeth are liable to drift out of position. Furthermore, spaces from missing teeth can cause your other teeth and your gums to become far more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. If you have missing teeth and have good oral hygiene practices, you should discuss this procedure with our dentist.
You will receive a mild anesthetic to numb the area and your dentist will prepare the teeth surrounding the open space. If these teeth already have fillings, part of the filling may be left in place to provide a solid foundation for the crown.
An impression is made and from this model a dental lab will create the bridge, false tooth and crowns. You will wear a temporary bridge in the mean until you return for your second appointment. Your new bridge will be fitted and adjusted before being cemented to your teeth.
Dental bridges can reduce your risk of gum disease, help correct some bite issues and even improve your speech. They require your commitment to serious oral hygiene, but will last as many ten years or more.
Advantages and disadvantages of dental bridges
► Advantages:
- Dental bridges are natural in appearance.
- They usually require only two visits to your dentist.
- Dental bridges can reduce your risk of gum disease.
- They can help to correct some bite issues and even improve your speech.
- If you maintain good oral hygiene, your fixed bridge should last as many as ten years or more.
► Disadvantages:
- For a few weeks after the treatment, your teeth will probably be sensitive to extreme temperatures.
- If sufficient oral hygiene is not practiced the bacteria on your teeth and gums could become infected.